Pleasant Vices

Pleasant Vices is a four-part YouTube series exploring the cultural backgrounds behind some of our more pleasurable foodstuffs; beer, sugar, chocolate and aphrodisiacs. 

Commissioned and produced by the British Museum, the series has been made in collaboration with Food Historian (and founder of AVM Curiosities) Tasha Marks. The episodes take their inspiration from the British Museum collection, with the subjects ranging from Ancient Egyptian beer to Renaissance sugar sculpture.

Each two-part episode is hosted by Tasha Marks with invited guests, including food and wine expert Susan Boyle, brewer Michaela Charles, chocolatier and pâtissier Paul A Young, and Jennifer Evans, Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Hertfordshire.

To watch the episodes please use the links below, or visit the British Museum's YouTube channel here.

Pleasant Vices
Commissioned and produced by the British Museum
In collaboration with, and hosted by, Tasha Marks

Click here for Episode 1: Aphrodisiacs
Click here for Episode 2: Chocolate
Click here for Episode 3: Beer
Click here for Episode 4: Sugar

Chocolate Video (snapshot) - Tasha Marks & Paul A Young
British Museum Sugar Sculpture by AVM Curiosities (1-DSC_0023).JPG
Beer Video (snapshot) - Tasha Marks, Susan Boyle, Michaela Charles